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Short Sale an Alternative to Foreclosure

A short sale can offer several benefits to a homeowner facing foreclosure:

  1. The benefit of a short sale is that it allows you to avoid foreclosure.
  2. A short sale will have a less severe impact on your credit. This can make it easier for you to recover financially and rebuild your credit.
  3. In a short sale, we will have more control over the outcome compared to a foreclosure.
  4. We can negotiate to have the lender waive their right to pursue a deficiency judgment.
  5. You will feel a huge relief from the burden of going through the foreclosure process.
  6. You will not pay any seller closing costs or professional real estate fee.
  7. The sale of your home will be as is.

Overall, a short sale can offer a more favorable outcome for homeowners facing foreclosure by allowing them to avoid the worst consequences of foreclosure and regain control over their financial future.